
Since early 2001. has been accepting the challenge of paranormal research. Typically, we don't do clearings, or other more spiritual things. We research, forensically, and try to figure out exactly what is happening.

With a team of experts and scientists, data is collected and analysed. Nothing is ever staged or faked. Data is reported as is, meaning we leave the client to make judgments about what is happening.

Addresses and names of private individuals is not disclosed. Information is kept in the file only.

We do not, as a rule, do "ghost tours". If you are looking for a history tour with a paranormal flavor, please contact us for rates and options.

Team members are available for media contact, consultation, seminars and expos, and a wide variety of other public appearances.

Research is done in the areas of ghosts and hauntings, cryptozoology, and UFOs. is the main contributor to CFZ-Canada's blog. The Centre for Fortean Zoology is based in the UK and is respected worldwide. You can read the blog here.

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